Promotional Items
Customer Gifts
Useful promotional products and fun promotional giveaways create goodwill towards your company.
Business promotional items build a corporate identity. Promotional products convey your company’s
image. Use our experts to create business promotional items that reflect your corporate identity.
Good promotional products and promotional giveaways create exposure and positive recognition for
your organization.
Employee Gifts
Build morale in your company with useful and thoughtful promotional giveaways. Promotional gifts
for employees provide encouragement and company loyalty. Promotional items used by employees
increase company visibility. Promotional items in the office increase unity and teamwork. An
abundance of promotional items and promotional gifts promote the feeling of corporate success and
job security in employees. Employees feel proud to display promotional items that are quality
promotional products.
Custorm Designs
You choose the color, location and design treatments on your promotional items.
Our clients appreciate designing their own business promotional items and promotional gifts.
Whether promotional gifts are for custom t-shirts or promotional giveaways for employees,
promotional giveaways that reflect the personality of the company are more meaningful than
promotional items produced by ad agencies alone.
Design the most effective business promotional items with our sales associates, promotional
merchandisers, end graphic artists. Our experts assist you in creating promotional products and
promotional gifts to fit your requirements. Contact us today to assure promotional products to meet
your delivery time.

Quoyeser Print Solutions
PO Box 3059
Lafayette, LA 70501
(337) 233-6844 or Toll-Free:
(800) 256-6844